There are some profitable medical testing facilities for sale throughout the country. The demand for medical services are rising at a rapid rate and if you want to get your foot in the door then Transworld can help. They are accredited business brokers who bring buyer and sellers together. They specialize in the medical fields and can help you in specialized markets such as medical testing facilities for sale So, whether you want to sell a medical business or buy one, you need look no further than Transworld.
There is a growing demand for medical testing facilities. So, it might not be that easy finding
medical testing facilities for sale but there are some on the market. A good example of a medical testing facility for sale is the one below.
Drug Testing Lab For Sale In Broward Florida
Drug Testing franchise, operating over 4 years on 2 locations, 3 more additional territories paid pending to open, all included on the sale. Drug test include urine, hair, fingernail, saliva, breath alcohol, forensic DNA, flu shots & immunizations, background screening for…
Price: $215,000.00 Adjusted Earnings: $50,161.00 Gross Sales: $263,015.00
For this type of business and more you should contact Transworld. They already have businesses like the one above in their portfolio. Even if it is already sold, new businesses come on the market. Transworld can help you find the right medical business.
They can also help you sell your medical business. When it comes to buying and selling businesses, they have the experience, expertise and know how. They will help you find the right business and avoid costly mistakes. When it comes to specialized areas such as medical testing facilities for sale, you will need all the help you can get.