If you are researching medical office sales in Broward, Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Palm Beach or South Florida, Transworld can help. They are professional business brokers and specialists in the field of medical businesses, practices and offices. Maybe you are looking for a medical practice with ownership of property or maybe you are just looking for suitable office space. Maybe have medical office space for sale. Either way, Transworld can help.
If you need medical space, you want to work with a professional medical real estate company. Transworld has a team of experts in the field if medical real estate. They specialize in investment, marketing, leasing and property management. They provide physicians, health care executives as well investors with critical investment decisions.
There are several important factors to consider when researching medical office sales. There is the location to consider. Then there is cost and return on investment. There us allowable use of the premises. You need to be aware of any restrictions in allowable use. You need to consider the current state of the premises. Will you need to make changes or alterations? Are the state laws or by-laws that need to be adhered to?
When researching medical office sales you might find leasing is often more feasible than buying. Leasing can save you on upfront costs of buying and help you establish your medical business before taking the big step of buying.
Often is makes sense to look for medical office space in an existing facility such as a clinic, hospital or medical plaza. For example, Westside Medical Plaza serves the communities of Broward county and they have prime medical offices for sale and lease. They offer turn-key tenant improvement solutions which reduces out of pocket costs.